SEBI Committees


Date :
Date Details
03 Jun, 2024 Ad-hoc Expert Committee to Review Ownership and Economic Structure of Clearing Corporations
29 Nov, 2023 Takeover Panel
24 Aug, 2023 Alternative Investment Policy Advisory Committee (AIPAC)
25 May, 2023 Intermediary Advisory Committee
02 May, 2023 Research Advisory Committee (RAC)
07 Feb, 2023 Market Data Advisory Committee (MDAC)
26 Dec, 2022 High Powered Steering Committee on Cyber Security (HPSC-CS)
26 Dec, 2022 Information Systems Security Committee (ISSC)
19 Dec, 2022 Hybrid Securities Advisory Committee (HySAC)
09 Dec, 2022 Members of Advisory Committee on Mutual Funds
28 Nov, 2022 FPI Advisory Committee (FAC)
28 Nov, 2022 Committee on Review of Takeover Regulations
28 Nov, 2022 Social Stock Exchange Advisory Committee
10 Oct, 2022 Commodity Derivatives Advisory Committee (CDAC)
10 Aug, 2022 Advisory Committee for SEBI Investor Protection and Education Fund (IPEF)
14 Jun, 2022 Building Advisory Committee (BAC)
26 May, 2022 Risk Management Review Committee (RMRC)
02 May, 2022 Secondary Market Advisory Committee (SMAC)
19 Apr, 2022 Advisory Committee for Leveraging Regulatory and Technology Solutions (ALeRTS)
30 Jan, 2022 High Powered Advisory Committee on settlement orders and compounding of offences
17 Dec, 2021 Corporate Bonds and Securitization Advisory Committee (CoBoSAC)
16 Dec, 2021 Primary Market Advisory Committee (PMAC)
28 Oct, 2021 Technical Advisory Committee (TAC)
26 Oct, 2021 IT Projects Advisory Committee (IT-PAC)
09 Nov, 2020 Expert Group to review the SEBI (Share Based Employee Benefit) Regulations, 2014 and SEBI (Issue of Sweat Equity) Regulations, 2002
08 Oct, 2020 Technical Group on Social Stock Exchange (SSE-TG)
23 Oct, 2017 Committee on Fair Market Conduct
16 Oct, 2017 Review of regulations and relevant circulars pertaining to Market Infrastructure Institutions (MIIs)
02 Aug, 2017 Committee on Financial and Regulatory Technologies (CFRT)
02 Jun, 2017 Committee on Corporate Governance
17 Oct, 2016 SEBI Committee on Disclosures and Accounting Standards (SCODA)
12 Feb, 2015 Qualified Audit Report Review Committee (QARC)